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第16回  石鎚山に春がやって来た♪ご報告(^^)/[English below]

Picture 1 Akebono "Dawning" Azaleas against the peak of Mt. Ishizuchi

[English below] 石鎚山に淡いピンクのアケボノツツジが咲くと、登山道の雪も溶け、いよいよお山に本格的な春が到来します。冒頭の画像は、石鎚登山ロープウェイ山頂成就駅から、往復2時間程の黒川山(1365㍍)山頂付近の石鎚山頂を背景にするアケボノツツジの絶景スポット。石鎚山をこんな感じで背景にできるアケボノツツジはここでしか撮れません♪ちなみに、ここまで来る途中に次の画像のミツバツツジと石鎚山のビューポイントも通過します(^_^)v




〈石鎚山頂に咲くイシヅチザクラ〉 Ishizuchi Zakura (Ishizuchi Cherry Blossoms) blooming at the top of Mt. Ishizuchi





(令和3年5月13日投稿:NPO法人石鎚森の学校/理事・事務局長 リチャード)

Message of the Week

Please have a look at Picture 1! It's the picture of Akebono "Dawning" Azaleas against Mt. Ishizuchi. When these lovely pale-pink flowers are in full bloom, snow on the mountain trails are gone and we realize that spring has come to our mountain. Picture 1 is taken at the best photo spot, from where you can enjoy these beautiful azaleas against the peak of Mt. Ishizuchi near the top of Mt. Kurokawa (1,365 meters high); about two-hours walk from and to Sancho Joju Station at the top of the ropeway. Actually, there are good roads for climbing with all the well-maintained information signs, so it's one of the best roads to enjoy hiking or trekking. If it had not been for the Covid-19 pandemic, a lot of group tours would have been organized, and the members of our Ishizuchi Mori-no Gakko "School of the Woods" would have been busy as mountain guides. It takes a day to climb to the top of Mt. Ishizuchi, but it takes only half a day to enjoy hiking around this spot. If you are interested, please come and visit us next year! You will be fully refreshed with a brisk breeze of early spring, Japanese nightingales' singing, new green leaves, invigorating scent of the woods, and pale pink of Akebono Azaleas. When you see the cherry blossoms being replaced with fresh green leaves in the cities, the cherry blossoms start to bloom at the top of Mt. Ishizuchi, where you can enjoy Ishizuchi Zakura; you will fall in love with this lovely blossom, which is about the size of a thumb nail. Ishizuchi Zakura, which bloom at top of the highest mountain in Western Japan, are now on the list of endangered species.

According to the botanist, one of my friends, you can enjoy the species ranging from Ehime prefecture to Tohoku areas simply by climbing up and down Mt. Ishizuchi. To tell the truth, I was NOT AT ALL interested in flowers when I was younger (maybe I could only recognize cherry blossoms or tulips!), but now I am very happy to work as a Volunteer (NPO) Nature and Wild-Life Tour Guide as my "side business"! We never know what life will bring us, so it's always fascinating. Some say that it's harder to change as you get older, but I don't think so; what you're doing today reflects only the part(s) of your full potential, which has been gifted to you and developed so far. So, regardless of your age, you can change anytime if you wish. Every flower blooms at a different pace and your hidden potential might be waiting to be discovered and to bloom, just like our lovely Ishizuchi Zakura come into full bloom when the time comes, even if it's much later than other cherry blossoms do.

-- Hideshi Sogabe, a.k.a Richard; Director and Secretary General of NPO Ishizuchi Mori-no-Gakko “School of the Woods” (13, May 2021)

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