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第11回「お隣に座ってもいい?」[English below]

追記/Postscript:19, April 2021

末尾に写真を1枚くわえました。お楽しみいただけましたら幸いです。/I have just added one more photo at the very end of my essay. Wish you will love it!

[English below]



"Can I sit next to you?"(「お隣に座ってもいい?」)


初日のランチの時間。トレイにサンドイッチとリンゴをのせたまま途方にくれて、ポツンとひとり大きなテーブルの端っこに座りました。しょんぼりしたままサンドイッチの袋を開けようとした瞬間、"Hey, can I sit next to you?"(「ね、お隣に座ってもいい?」)という声が聞こえました。はっとして声がするほうに目を向けると、女の子がにっこり笑って立っていました。私に話しかけてくれているの?とても、とても嬉しくて、一生懸命に言いました「もちろん!ここに座って!」





Waiting for a friend to come up...(お友達が欲しいな)

I've got friends! (お友達ができました!)

Message of the Week

Hi! I'm Shinako Imaizumi, a translator. I was in charge of English subtitles of "DAWNING." movie and its trailer and I have also been given a precious opportunity to translate the official website of "DAWNING." into English. Sometimes, those who know me as a translator look a bit surprised when I say I am working as a professor at Ehime University. I am greatly enjoying both of these jobs. Now that our Spring Semester has just started, I am very busy preparing for my classes. In the very first class of new semester, I often pick up one of my favorite English phrases, that is, "Can I sit next to you?" I know it is a very simple sentence, but it brought me the encounter with my life-time friend. More than 20 years ago, soon after I started studying at the graduate school of the University of Manchester, UK, I participated in orientation programme for exchange students. At lunch time on the very first day, I was just at a loss sitting at the end of the large table all by myself. Feeling so nervous and lonely, I was looking at sandwiches and an apple in front of me. All of a sudden, I heard a voice saying "Hey, can I sit next to you?" To me!? There was a girl with a big smile looking at me. What a blessing! I answered "Of course! Please sit here!" It was Agnes from Hong Kong, who has been/is/will be my lifetime friend, and this is why I want my students to learn this phrase at the very beginning of the semester wishing that they won't miss their once-in-a-lifetime encounter. Having met Agnes, I strongly felt that we were brought together for a reason. Having joined "DAWNING." project and met the members, I am now feeling exactly the same; we have been brought together not by chance, but for a reason.

---Shinako Imaizumi (12, April 2021)

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